Readability User Testing

Here you can search for companies conducting Readability User Testings.

The list does not claim to be complete and no guarantee can be given for the correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. Furthermore, please note that this list does not have any recommendatory character.

If you want your company to be included in this directory free-of-charge, send an email to including the contact details to be published and a summary of your services. 


Wenigenjenaer Ufer 12

07749 Jena


Phone: +49 3641 549396

Fax: +49 3641 549397



  • readability tests of medical information in all EU official languages 
  • medical writing: creating and optimisation each type of medical information
  • typesetting: layout and design development for any kind of medical information
  • usability tests of application devices
  • bridging studies
  • studies of various medicinal and healthcare issues

Diapharm GmbH & Co. KG

Hafenweg 18-20

48155 Münster




  • Patient information leaflet and SmPC preparation 
  • One-on-one interviews with 20 volunteers from the medicinal product’s target group
  • Readability user test with native speakers in either the United Kingdom or Germany
  • Evaluations performed immediately after each interview, allowing for confusing passages to be corrected quickly and reducing costs for the test
  • Analysis of the data based on the evaluation criteria of the European authorities
  • Alternatively: bridging study, focus test
  • We prepare all documentation for the CTD module 1.3.4 ready for submission

ELC-Group s.r.o

Karolinská 650/1,

186 00 Prague 

Czech Republic



  • Readability testing and PIL writing experience since early 2007
  • The need for user test is checked first
  • PIL reformatting to comply with QRD (Quality Review Document) and Readability Guidelines for optimal readability
  • Validated quality procedures
  • Very competitive costs with fixed price policies (no hidden costs)
  • Reports ready for Submission (namely eCTD ready reports in PDF 1.4, with applicable bookmarks)
  • Included reply to possible inquiries from the authorities following submission
  • Mock-up development according to readability guidelines

Knowhownow- European Readability testers

Pastoor Fabritiusstraat 50

6585XL Mook

The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 6 424 99 353 /

+31 643982065



KHN’s core competence is the conduction of full service readability tests. This comprises the following:

  • Conduction of readability tests in Germany, BeNeLux, France, England, Sweden, USA
  • Project time: 4 weeks
  • Optimization of the Word text
  • Adaptation of existing text to the current QRD template, taking into account other applicable guidelines
  • Layout and design of the leaflet artwork and mock-ups conform the house-style of the client
  • Advice on the optimal compilation of readability tests on several PiL's
  • Bridging reports and Focus reports in English (ready for submission)
  • User test of application aids and IfU’s (Instructions for Use)
  • We provide all documentation for the eCTD module 1.3.4, complete for submission (in PDF)
  • Possibility for our customers to be present during the interviews (live or live stream - limited to GDPR)
  • 13 years of experience in readability testing (references on homepage)
  • Interviewers and subjects are all native speakers
  • Interview data are recorded word by word per subject and question (100% transparency)
  • Unique internal quality control system
  • Fast and easy-to-use RfQ (hyperlink:

Pharmexon Consulting s.r.o, 

Krakovska 22, Prague 1

11000 Prague



PHARMEXON’s lead interviewer has been involved with Readability User Testing of Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) since the beginning of the requirement in EU.


PHARMEXON provides:

  • Readability testing and PIL / SmPC writing
  • PIL reformatting to QRD and for optimal readability
  • Guaranteed Acceptance Across the EU for National, MRP, DCP and CPs
  • Quick turnaround depending on clients’ needs
  • Competitive Costs
  • 100% approvals to date

PharmaLex GmbH

Harrlachweg 6

68163 Mannheim



PharmaLex is a leading provider of specialized services for the pharma, biotech and medical device industries.


We guide you from early strategic planning activities and non-clinical requirements through clinical development, regulatory submission processes and post-approval / maintenance post-launch activities. Our experts use technology enabled solutions to support you through the entire product lifecycle. We deliver exceptional results — going above and beyond the standard to deliver tailor-made solutions worldwide.


The PharmaLex Group now has over 1000 employees, with 33 offices in 21 countries and more than 600 satisfied clients worldwide.

  • Development and maintenance of global regulatory product information
  • Preparation of supporting documentation – clinical and non-clinical overviews, expert statements
  • Alignment of CCDS with regional labels and vice versa
  • Preparation of Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC), Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) and label for marketing authorization applications
  • Literature searches
  • Provision of labeling repository