Food supplements

Find providers of services related to nutritional supplements.

The list does not claim to be complete and no guarantee can be given for the correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. Furthermore, please note that this list does not have any recommendatory character.

If you are a provider of services in this area, you have the possibility to register free of charge in this directory.

analyze & realize GmbH

Waldseeweg 6

13467 Berlin



Novel Food

  • Preparation and submission of Novel Food applications 
  • Notification of traditional foods from third countries
  • Classification as novel or non-novel food
  • Gap analysis of existing data
  • Research for data substantiating the history of safe food use of the product in the EU prior to 1997 or in countries outside the EU for at least 25 years
  • Intake assessments
  • Support with the execution of toxicological studies 
  • Preparation and execution of counselling interviews with national authorities

Marketability Check

  • Country-specific assessment of the marketability as a food ingredient with regards to the demarcation criteria between food, drug, and medical device
  • Notification for food supplements and dietetic foods to the responsible national authorities

Health Claims

  • Preparation and submission of a health claim dossier to EFSA including:
    o Statements based on new scientific data (Art. 13.5)
    o Statements concerning reduction of a health risk
            (Art. 14)
    o Statements concerning the development of children              (Art. 14)
  • Development of a tailor-made health claim strategy and roadmap for your product
  • Advice on the possibility to protect proprietary data
  • Assessment and evaluation of study protocols with regard to EFSA requirements
  • Planning and conduct of EFSA-relevant clinical studies for the scientific substantiation of the health claim

Diapharm GmbH & Co. KG

Hafenweg 18-20

48155 Münster





  • Verification of marketability and labelling: 
    - Food supplements
    - Foods for special medical purposes (FSMP)
    - Nutritionally incomplete FSMP ("Ergänzende bilanzierte Diäten")
  • Development and maintenance of health claims
  • Borderline issues related to food supplements, medicinal products, medical devices and cosmetics
  • DiapharmKlick: the latest overview of new OTC products in Germany, Austria, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and the US

ProPharma Group GmbH

Siemensdamm 62

13627 Berlin

Telefon: 030/856 06878-0


ProPharma Group GmbH is a leading consultancy and project management organisation in the fields of (bio)pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and healthcare.

Contact us in any phase of your product's lifecycle if you are looking for a partner in Product Development, Regulatory Affairs, (Pharmaco)vigilance or QA/QC. 

  • RA management from early preclinical stage to the final steps of maintenance of the license
  • Dossier compliation and submission
  • CMC Program & Project Management
  • Investigational Medicinal Product Management
  • Scientific Writing